Tuesday, November 8, 2011

adoption weekend

It was adoption weekend at our church...I L.O.V.E this weekend so much, it tugs on my heart so much. Adoption has always been something that I wanted to persue. I have always "talked" about wanting to do it, more so than ever I really want to do it. I don't know what God's plan for us in this journey...if it is local, international, becoming a foster parent prior to adopting or even the ages. We really need to pray to him and see what he reveals to us. My heart breaks for these children without a parent. I can't help but hope that I would have the opportunity to give them a gift of a mom or a dad. 



  1. Visiting from SITS Spring Fling (a little behind!). We're in the same place with adoption/foster care. We know we want to do something...........but what??? With 2 under 2 of our own, things are pretty busy, but there are so many kids that need love.

    p.s. I really like your font!

    Lindsey @ GrowingKidsMinistry.com
